Chuck Schumer,
Democrat Senator from New York is 100% pro-abortion in the United
States, but is against abortion in Israel. From VoteSmart.org:

From https://mondoweiss.net/2013/11/abortion-organization-demographic/:
Pro-Israel?’: Israeli anti-abortion organization reaches out for US
support to fight demographic war in the Jewish state
Politics Allison Deger on November 15, 2013
An Israeli anti-abortion group is reaching out to Christian Zionists
and pro-choice advocates in the United States in an effort to increase
the state’s Jewish population. American Friends of Efrat, the
U.S.-based fundraising arm of Efrat (no relation to the settlement of
the same name), is an Israeli anti-abortion group with hundreds of
volunteers that counsel Jewish women against abortion and provide
support for the first year of the child’s life. While in the U.S.
pro-life discourse focuses on morality, the American Friends of Efrat
looks at abortion from a demographics perspective. Their advertisement
for the Committee to Rescue Israeli Babies (C.R.I.B.) program—Friend’s
of Efrat’s only project—markets what they call an “inner aliyah,” or
increasing Israel’s Jewish population not by flying in new immigrants,
but by pumping up the birthrate via anti-abortion counseling and
Though Efrat only assists women in Israel, the group has garnered
support from inside the beltway through its American partner. Senator
Chuck Schumer, a noted pro-choice champion who has used the issue of
abortion to secure his New York Senate, attended a 30th anniversary
gala for Efrat. Schumer has been lauded by Planned Parenthood who
called him a “hero,” with “a 100% pro-choice, pro-family planning
voting record,” but in 2007 Schumer put his pro-choice position aside
and joined his anti-abortion foes at the celebration. (Schumer’s office
was contacted, but did not provide a comment for this story.)
Republican leaders also praised the group: “Thanks for representing in
such a great way the saving of lives. It makes me very proud to have
the opportunity of being here together with Efrat,” said Senator Jim
DeMint (R-SC); I am delighted to tell you that what EFRAT does is
important, it’s important to inspire us and it’s important to keep us
all accountable,” added Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL); and “All of G-d’s
children have intrinsic, inestimatable value to Him. And that is the
only thing that holds the family together, [sic]” said Congressman
Trent Franks (R-AZ).
According to IRS 990 tax reports, the American Friends of Efrat pulls
from mainstream foundations including matching donations from Deutsche
Bank, The Goldman Sachs Foundation and the Prudential Foundation. But
the heftiest sums come from the Jewish community. Despite the fact that
89% of American Jews support abortion rights, the Federation Foundation
of Greater Philadelphia sent the group $100,000 in 2004 and 2006, while
the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los
Angeles gave C.R.I.B. just over $5,000 in 2007 and $10,000 in 2008. In
addition, the Madav IX Foundation, a charitable organization funded by
Jewish family foundations but administered by the Jewish Federation of
Cleveland, gave the C.R.I.B. program $10,000 in 2008. The Madav IX
Foundation shares the same Ohio address of the Bennet and Donna
Yanowitz Family Foundation that gave the C.R.I.B. program $2,000 in
2004 and $1,000 in 2007.
I first heard of Efrat earlier this fall while covering the largest
annual event in Jerusalem: a messianic Christian festival themed after
the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. “This is my fourth shofar,” a teenager
girl told me while dancing to ecclesiastical music and strobe lights.
Aside from kitsch Judaica for sale the lobby had stacks of the
Jerusalem Post’s “Christian Edition,” a glossy insert to the English
language paper. On the back cover of the December 2011 issue was a
full-page advertisement with a grinning Caucasian toddler. “God blesses
those who bless Israel,” continuing, “Preventing abortions is the key
to Israel’s survival as a Jewish state.”—The message: the child is
happy because he was not aborted. The plug: donate to American Friends
of Efrat where Christian supporters of Israel can not only save a life,
but stack the number of Jews in the holy land.
... ‘Senator Chuck Schumer, a noted pro-choice champion who has used
the issue of abortion to secure his New York Senate, attended a 30th
anniversary gala for Efrat. Schumer has been lauded by Planned
Parenthood who called him a “hero,” with “a 100% pro-choice, pro-family
planning voting record,” but in 2007 Schumer put his pro-choice
position aside and joined his anti-abortion foes at the celebration’…